
mit ein paar Extras. Ich liebe die von Marguerite Samama CZT ( happy tangling ) entwickelten Zenbuttons.

Allerdings sind meine Zenbuttons, mehr Zen und weniger Buttons, denn ich mag es etwas schlichter mit nicht all zuviel 3D-Effekt – dafür mag ich es bunt.

Ein kleines Mandala mit Fragmenten.

Den Anfang hat das offizielle Zentangle Muster „drawings“ gemacht, eine flügelartiges organisches Muster. Und dann wurde es plötzlich mehr und mehr chaotisch und bizarr.

Denke ich, dass dieses Zentangle Kunstwerk hübsch ist? Nein! mag ich dieses bizarre Wirrwarr? Ja!

Striping – Monotangle

Good Morning, I am a little late with my post for the Weekly Diva Challenge #336, the weather was so sunny this weekend, so I decided to spend my time outside in nature. Well,  but at least I tangled. This week we were challenged to do a monotangle,  this means using only one tangle on the tile. The featured tangle is one of the official tangles from Zentangle HQ called Striping. I use Striping once in a while in my classes but I have to admit, I never use it in my own tiles, so great to use it as a monotangle. I already admired Margaret Bremner’s  Striping with a twist last year, so I decided to give it a try! It wasn’t that difficult as I thought and so I had a lot of fun tangling and twisting Striping, so I guess Striping will find its way also in my tiles now:)

So again, what an inspiring challenge!

Have a nice week, hopefully with lots of sunshine.


„Fragment D-1“

A Guest Post from Marguerite Samama CZT from Netherlands ( ). I already had the pleasure to meet Marguerite at a CZT Workshop hosted by Ellen Gozeling in the Netherlands – where I had a great time! So, this weeks challenge # 329 has everything to do with the Fragment D- 1 from the Primer by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas.

I love the idea how those fragment can be used, but I have to admit I sometimes use one of them as a border, but I haven’t really played with them in all their possibilities. But I guess I really should, since I love the geometry in tangling.

So my Tile is a mixture between the challenge #328 from last week, using Suzanne Fluhr‘ s lovely tangle „Aloah“ and the Fragment D-1. The reason is, I started the tile with Aloha last Saturday. But then was disturbed and didn’t finish. So using D-1 as a background for my Aloha-Tile seemed a great idea to me. Especially, because I love the contrast between floral and organic tangles and geometric pattern. Now Aloha is dancing on Fragment D-1, migth be a whimsical film title;) Thank you, Marguerite, for your post with the lovely pictures, I certainly I fell in love with your sweet dog:)

Thanks for stopping by and a lovely weekend to you.

Aloha, Simone

…with pomegranate!

Weekly Challenge #312: „Coffee, Tea, or Me!“

I can’t believe I skipped so many challenges this year, some of them I tangled but didn’t post them. 2017 seems to be more like an offline und unplugged year for me:)

But since it is really April weather today and I am not digging in the garden, I decided to share my tile I tangled yesterday evening. This week’s challenge # 312 is to spill, dripp, blott some liquid on the tile like coffee, tea, wine, watery paint or like I did pomegranate. I really love to spill something liquid on my tile and then tangle, it helps like a string, and it is always such a surprise. I used some juice of a pomegranate which I made some vinaigrette from for the salad yesterday. I love that rich color and I was really surprised how this deep red color turned into a more purple color after drying on the tile. 

I started with the tangle „Vano“ from Hanneke Sieben, which I tangled for the first time and definitely not for the last, and then I couldn’t stopp going in circles. I remember that actually don’t love tangling circles at all, but I guess that is something really special in tangling, for some reason things can change suddenly. So I am surprised with my tile but also happy:)

So I will tangle on now!

Thanks for stopping by and have a nice sunday

In a white room, with white curtains.

Today we are supposed to leave some white space in our Zentangle drawing. I love to do that. The first tiles I tangled had a lot of white space. I never filled the whole tile. By and by my tangle compositions got busier. I think  I am still trying out and  it depends on my mood. Today I used a tile which I had spilled on tea last year and decided to tangle only the stain and leave the rest of it white. And I really love it. I am still a supporter for white space:)



The Zentangle ceremony starts with making corner dots and a border. The border is drawn with a pencil, it is a guideline, you can use it and stay within or you just break the border. And because of the ever so lightly pencil stroke, the border gets invisible. It’s magic. But todays prompt is to make the border the star of the tile. So what can I say…I don’t like border 😉 But I tried. I used the tangle hypnotic for my border, and I used it the first time. Wow, I am actually not sure if it is called hypnotic because of its look or because you get hypnotized by drawing this tangle. It made me some kind of dizzy! But it is a fun tangle, I like it! Okay, not as a border, but in other contexts:) When I finished my tile, it looked so weird and „ugly“ to me that I think I kinda like it. However I had a good time tangling, and that is what it is about, right?!


Fill in Tangle

is Cyme, a tangle with lots of areas to tangle in. Todays prompt is to choose a tangle and fill the tangle with tangles and I filled my tangle Cyme with lots of different tangles. It was really fun and very mindful.


Remix: a piece of media which has been altered from its original state by adding, removing, and/or changing pieces of the item.

So todays challenge is to choose one Zentangle from the earlier days and remix it.

I decided to use the same tangles and change the composition, I choose one of my weekly diva challenge tile, the challenge # 277 was in July 2016 and is called „running round in circles“. Circles are for me most challenging, I have to remind that in Zentangle the circles are not supposed perfectly round. No perfectionism, please 🙂 Just be unperfect. letting go. Well, I try:)



Hefty Hack with tne new Official Tangle: Drawings“

It’s the Hefty Hack – technique! Materials you need: watersoluble markers like Tombows, a brush and water and also a plastic bag.

Now scribble some color on the plastic bag. Wet parts of your paper with your brush and then place the bag on the water with the color faced down. The colors react with the water. Now the bag can be lifted up and you have your gorgeous watercolor background. Let it completely dry and then tangle.

I used the new Tangle „Drawings“, which was introduced at last years ZenAgain workshop, because on this weeks challenge #299 the Diva asked us to use the new official tangle „Drawings“. You can see the stepouts here.

So I combined the Zenuari’s prompt with the diva’s challenge. The weird thing, if I wouldn’t know that I tangled this, I would believe someone else did, it is totally not the style I am used to tangle and I am not sure if I like it:) But however – isn’t that that the awesome thing about Zentangle – you never no the outcome – and sometimes it really surprises me. Moreover, what will it look like to me in a couple of weeks or month? Isn’t that absolutely fantastic.

So thanks you for visiting my blog and have a relaxed and beautiful Sunday evening



Zentangle goes triangular!

Brand-new is Zentangle inc.’s 3Z tiles, which they introduced at the ZenAgain Worskhop last year. So today’s prompt is to tangle away on a 3Z tile. Which is pretty good for my, because so far I didn’t try out the 3Z’s. Now I have a reason to tangle my first triangular tiles.  I just started in the middle and then I was in the flow. It is really great to tangle on those 3Z’s.

Todays prompt is to first to find some stuff around the house and arrange it on the tile. Than trace the shapes with pencil onto the tile and so we have the string! And tangle! I gathered my stuff in the kitchen. A piece from my „kitchen aid“, a spaghetti-fork, a cookie-cutter in starshape und the handle of a fork. So I got an interessting string:)

Today I had a really peaceful and calming tangle evening, enjoying every deliberate stroke and I really went out of my comfort zone and passed the border! Meaning I stuck with the „elegance of limit“ and just ignored the „border“ of the string.

here you can see  my string, you probably can see where I passed the border and where I stayed with the string! I made a wonderful experience tonight with that tile!


Todays challenge is to create a tile with tangles that are new to me.

So I tried for the first time „Loop“ by Amelie Liao, CZT, „Diamond Drops“ by Janice Sherlock and „Fricle“ by Julie Evans, CZT. And if you look a little bit closer, you can see were I wasn’t concentrated drawing „Loop“ 😉

Black Orange.

The prompt for today is to make a duo-colored Zentangle drawing. I decided to stick with black and added some orange in the background. The whole tile went out a little bit too wild and crowded:) But that’s okay, learning by doing! And I had fun tangeling.

„Sundoo“ Bijou

sounds a little bit like a new cocktail ;). My dearest friend from Switzerland and her boyfreind have been on holidays at our house. We were tangling in the evenings. Her boyfriend tangled for the first time and he did a great job. One tangle he chose was „Sundoo“ from Jane MacKugler, CZT – which I never tangled before. But it looked so awesome to me, that I had to try this tangle for my Mini-tangle. I really love this tangle, it is fun. So I can recommend to everyone to just try out „Sundoo“.