
weekly challenge 336

Striping – Monotangle

Good Morning, I am a little late with my post for the Weekly Diva Challenge #336, the weather was so sunny this weekend, so I decided to spend my time outside in nature. Well,  but at least I tangled. This week we were challenged to do a monotangle,  this means using only one tangle on the tile. The featured tangle is one of the official tangles from Zentangle HQ called Striping. I use Striping once in a while in my classes but I have to admit, I never use it in my own tiles, so great to use it as a monotangle. I already admired Margaret Bremner’s  Striping with a twist last year, so I decided to give it a try! It wasn’t that difficult as I thought and so I had a lot of fun tangling and twisting Striping, so I guess Striping will find its way also in my tiles now:)

So again, what an inspiring challenge!

Have a nice week, hopefully with lots of sunshine.



Weekly Challenge #329


Threading Lightly