
Zenuari day 22 meets diva challenge #299

Hefty Hack with tne new Official Tangle: Drawings“

It’s the Hefty Hack – technique! Materials you need: watersoluble markers like Tombows, a brush and water and also a plastic bag.

Now scribble some color on the plastic bag. Wet parts of your paper with your brush and then place the bag on the water with the color faced down. The colors react with the water. Now the bag can be lifted up and you have your gorgeous watercolor background. Let it completely dry and then tangle.

I used the new Tangle „Drawings“, which was introduced at last years ZenAgain workshop, because on this weeks challenge #299 the Diva asked us to use the new official tangle „Drawings“. You can see the stepouts here.

So I combined the Zenuari’s prompt with the diva’s challenge. The weird thing, if I wouldn’t know that I tangled this, I would believe someone else did, it is totally not the style I am used to tangle and I am not sure if I like it:) But however – isn’t that that the awesome thing about Zentangle – you never no the outcome – and sometimes it really surprises me. Moreover, what will it look like to me in a couple of weeks or month? Isn’t that absolutely fantastic.

So thanks you for visiting my blog and have a relaxed and beautiful Sunday evening




Zenuari day 21: Zengems!


Zenuari day 23: Zentangle Remix