
Weekly Diva Challenge #374

In dieser Woche der Diva Challange #374 tauchen wir einen ganz klein wenig in Mixed Media ein. Man nehme zwei Kacheln, auf die eine Kachel kommt ein schöner Klecks mit Farbe, ich habe mich für Acryltinte von Daler-Rowney entschieden, so schön flüssig mit die einen ordentlichen Klecks. Ausserdem ist sie wasserfest, das lässt mir noch ein wenig mehr Spielraum für weitere mögliche Experimente. Sobald die Farbe die Kachel bekleckert hat kommt die zweite Kacheln sandwich-mäßig einfach draufgedrückt. Kacheln wieder trennen, trocknen lassen oder für Ungeduldige fönen und dann geht’s los mit Tangeln.

Meinen herbstlichen in einem „Rote Erde“- Ton leuchtenden Klecks habe ich mit „Aloha“ von CZT Suzanne Fluhr betangelt. Ein Muster, das durch seine starken Konturen einen schönen Kontrast zu den sehr feinen Linien der anderen Muster bildet und auch einen Ton-in-Ton Tanglen gut verträgt, denn statt mit schwarz habe ich mit einem braunen Fineliner getangelt. Dann noch eine schöne Aura mit weissen Gelstift und schon leuchtet Aloha wie ein exotisches Herbstblatt auf roter Erde.

Anschliessend habe ich den unbefleckten Teil der Kachel mit organischen Mustern verziert, wie CZT Tina Hunzikers African Artist und Olluan , CZT Kelley Kellys Meringue, und Zentangles Klassiker Tipple und Printemps. Nun schien mir Aloha aber ein wenig einsam auf roter Erde und so gesellen sich noch eine Variante von Echiosm und Betweed dazu.

Den letzten Schliff hat die Kachel dann erhalten, indem ich die „verweißten“ Flächen schwarz gemalt habe, um noch mehr Kontrast zu erzeugen. Noch ein wenig schattiert, in diesem Fall mit einem braunen Brushpen und fertig ist die Splotch-Tastic-Kachel.


…with pomegranate!

Weekly Challenge #312: „Coffee, Tea, or Me!“

I can’t believe I skipped so many challenges this year, some of them I tangled but didn’t post them. 2017 seems to be more like an offline und unplugged year for me:)

But since it is really April weather today and I am not digging in the garden, I decided to share my tile I tangled yesterday evening. This week’s challenge # 312 is to spill, dripp, blott some liquid on the tile like coffee, tea, wine, watery paint or like I did pomegranate. I really love to spill something liquid on my tile and then tangle, it helps like a string, and it is always such a surprise. I used some juice of a pomegranate which I made some vinaigrette from for the salad yesterday. I love that rich color and I was really surprised how this deep red color turned into a more purple color after drying on the tile. 

I started with the tangle „Vano“ from Hanneke Sieben, which I tangled for the first time and definitely not for the last, and then I couldn’t stopp going in circles. I remember that actually don’t love tangling circles at all, but I guess that is something really special in tangling, for some reason things can change suddenly. So I am surprised with my tile but also happy:)

So I will tangle on now!

Thanks for stopping by and have a nice sunday


This „weeks challenge # 254 „ is about creating a tangle for Valentine.

Yesterday evening on Valentines Day I felt so „yin and yang“ , so I tangled on a round tile. I started with the Aura-Leah tangle in heart shape in the middle, used Phicops and Ovy for the dots. The black yin is covered with lilypads und in the white yang are growing some heart shaped pokeroots.

I have to admit, that since here in Germany Valentines Day turned out to be more a day for consumption than for caring I am a little bit annoyed. It seems like everybody expects at least flowers that day or even bigger presents. And a lot people even don‘t know anything about the real meaning of Valentines Day, they just know it from the commercials. Certainly I don’t know if it is the same in other Countrys.

But creating something like that Valentangle is something that comes from the heart, so thank you Laura for letting people know that there is much more than only consumption on this day!

Love to everyone and have a great new week.

pattern: Ennies by Zentangle®, Rixty by Zentangle®, Cack by Adele Bruno.

„Guest Post: Monotangle Trees“

This weeks challenge # 246  is a guest post from Dilip Patel the first CZT from India. Dilip and his wife Malathi are one of the rare CZT couples in the world.  I really love this challenge, maybe that is the reason why my Monotangle-Trees run a little out of control and have gone wild:)

The challenge is about creating a Monotangle Tree, so having a whole Zentangle® – Forest with all the trees. What a great idea, that will give a lot of power to the environment.

A single collective directed thought is all it takes to change the world.
Lynne McTaggart

I love nature, and there is a reason why we call it Mother earth! So everyone should show respect and care about. I get most of my creative ideas from trees, they have so many different faces and can tell me so much stories. I go for a walk through the forest almost everyday enjoying every breath.

Well, my tangle made a little bit its one way. I actually just started my mono tangle trees one a light colored background, that was my plan. But somehow my trees had another plan, and some hours and layers of paint later it had a complete different look. So it turned out a ZIA, not my planned Monotangle. I hope that is okay for that challenge. Sometimes my emotions overrun my mind, which I really appreciate, so I am pleased with my outcome, even though I have the feeling, it is not finally done, but it is for this moment.

So thank you Dilip Patel for that inspiring Challenge and thanks to the Diva making it possible.

This week – three in one challenge for me.
My Mom asked me to write in English and German and my husband gave me the advice to handwrite the articles first before tipping in the computer – it is more mindful. So I wrote in English – which is not that easy for me – in German (its beneath the English written article) and I wrote both article first with my hands. And of course I tangled my tiles!

„Just a tiny taste“

The challenge is about giving the tile a tiny taste of tangle and trying to leave over half of the tile blank… like 60-70%

The Diva admits: „it’s harder than it looks, at least – it was for me.“ Well, I confirm this statement.

So that makes me think about why this is so challenging for me. Might it be a feeling of imperfection? Or being afraid of having a gap? Sometimes I have the feeling that society today is used to fill every little gap immediatly, not only the gap of time but of materialism, so no emptiness can occur. I guess one reason might be the exessive supply of attraction and glut. But why is emptiness and space so hard to bear? And I cannot exempt myself from that.

If absolutly nothing comes in my mind and I have no ideas I tend to say: There is an absolute emptiness in my mind. Then I sigh, because this situation is irritating. It makes me feel insecure and a little bit of panic raises. Emptiness in my mind, no ideas, no creativity anymore? Phew!

 Do not be frightened by that word „empty“; when there is emptiness then things can happen.

J. Krishnamurti

So, should I accept that space of emptiness, looking what comes up to me – instead of getting my input from the outside world, like getting my inspiration from google and co? Ispiration? Sorry,I mean manipulation. Searching for creativity in the space around me? Does that work? Space and time depends on the observer they are not the reality. I experience the world, like every other does too, with my fife senses. I see forms and colours, nothing else, I smell the smell. I hear the sounds and I feel emotions. Only with the contemplation of thoughts I can smell the flowers, see the trees and hear the birds singing. Moreover there are things happening I cannot describe,  they just happen and touch me, I cannot understand them even though they are so intensive – that is emptiness- that ’s beyond imagination. It is complete stillness of the brain, an extraordanery thing – highly sensitive and completly open without any hindrance.

This moment is a gift, when there is “ nothing“ , everything is possible. Emptiness is energy. Everything needs space to develope. Space is energy.  Space is empty without any shape or time. It is free of judgement and interpretions, either right or wrong, good or bad exists. It is endless without a beginning. I cannot owe it, so I can not loose is. I can move in it, but it is unfathomable.

As soon the inside chaos of thoughts, which push in this space, fade away, you can see the emptiness and the beauty.

So this time I look and the tiles with the beauty of the patterns  in its context of the space around, the existence in its wholeness.


„Nur eine winzige Kostprobe“

In dieser challenge geht es darum auf der Kachel nur ein kleines Tangle zu kreieren und zu versuchen mehr als die Hälfte der Kachel leer zu lassen. Die Diva gibt zu, dass es schwerer ist als es aussieht – zumindest war es so für sie. Und das kann ich nur bestätigen.

Das lässt mich darüber nachdenken warum es so eine Herausforderung darstellt. Ist es das Gefühl der Unvollkommenheit der Lückenlosigkeit? Oft habe ich das Gefühl in der heutigen Gesellschaft muss alles bis in die kleinste Ecke gefüllt sein, lückenlos – materiell wie auch zeitlich. Sollte sich zufällig ein kleines Fenster Zeit auftun, so wird es umgehend gestopft, bloß keine Leere entstehen lassen. Problemlos möglich in der heutigen Zeit der Überreizung und des Überangbotes. Aber warum scheint es so schwer Leere und Raum zu ertragen? Und ich kann mich da nicht ausnehmen.

Wenn mir absolut nichts mehr einfällt, ich keine Idee habe dann mache ich gerne die Aussage: Es herrscht absolute Leere in meinem Kopf! Dann seufze ich, denn ich empfinde diesen Zustand als lästig, es verunsichert mich, leichte Panik steigt auf. Leere im Kopf, keine Ideen mehr…puh!

Nur wo Leere ist, kann etwas Neues entstehen

J. Krishnamurti

Doch was ist wenn ich diesen leeren Raum einfach zulasse und mich darin ein wenig umherbewegen, schaue was auf mich zukommt, anstatt mir Input aus der Aussenwelt zu holen, mich von google und co inspirieren zu lassen. Inspirieren? Ich meine natürlich manipulieren. Kreativität in dem Raum um mich herum suchen? Geht das? Raum und auch Zeit hängt vom Beobachter ab, sie sind nicht Wirklichkeit und nicht Realität. Ich erlebe, wie jeder andere auch, die Welt mit meinen fünf Sinnen. Ich sehe Form und Farben, mehr nicht, ich rieche Gerüche, schmecke Geschmack, höre Geräusche und spüre Emotionen. Erst mit dem Einkehren der Gedanken kann ich die Blumen riechen, die Bäume sehen oder die Vögel zwitschern hören. Und dann gibt es noch die Dinge die ich nicht begreife oder beschreiben kann, die einfach so passieren und berühren, die ich aber nicht fassen kann obwohl sie so intensiv sind – das ist die Leere – das was jenseits meiner Vorstellung liegt. Das ist komplette Stille des Geistes, eine außergewöhnliche Sache, hochsensibel und völlig geöffnet ohne Vewehrung.

Diese Momente sind ein Geschenk, denn wo „nichts“ ist, ist alles möglich . Leere ist Energie! Loslassen! Alles braucht Raum, um sich entwickeln zu können! Raum ist Energie. Er ist leer, grenzen-, form- und zeitlos. Er ist frei von Wertung und Interpretation, weder richtig noch falsch, böse oder gut, klein oder gross, er ist unendlich und ohne Anfang, ich kann nicht verlieren, weil ich ihn nicht besitze. Ich kann ihn beschreiten aber nicht beschreiben, er ist unfassbar und unbegreifbar.

Erst wenn das  innere Chaos der Gedanken die sich in den Raum drängen abklingt, dann kann man in die Leere schauen und sehen welche Schönheit sie mit sich bringt.

So betrachte ich auch die Sachen dieser Challenge, das Tangle ist nicht autonom sondern existiert wie alle Dinge in Abhängigkeit seiner Ganzheit. Die Schönheit des Tangles ergibt sich durch den Raum.


„Stones and Ceremony“

When I read this challenge on Monday evening just bevor going to bed, I was so excited that I actually couldn’t sleep! Since I was on a very special sculpting-workshop in Denmark with a small group of really lovely and inspiring people, I am so fascinated by stones and there magical power. The workshop happened at a place with a high energy level and we were sculpturing cosmograms. Because it is really difficult for me to describe this concept of earth healing an geomancy  in own words in English here a small extract from Marko Pogačnik’s website:

GEOPUNCTURE CIRCLES is an art-of-life project based upon the experience of lithopuncture and the knowledge of the universal language called “language of the cosmograms”.

Lithopuncture is a method of ecological healing, through which positioning of stones on acupuncture points of the given landscape is combined with the language of cosmograms and the holistic awareness of the Earth as an autonomous and multidimensional microcosm.

Language of cosmograms is an effort to develop such a language that can be perceived not just by humans but also by other beings that do not have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Language of cosmograms is a pictorial language, sometimes a form of body language and always an energy emanating language.

When I read Paula Bramante’s statement:

I love Zentangle because it has nothing to do with verbal language. I also love it, paradoxically, because it has given me another language, a visual language, that allows me to communicate feelings and concepts long hidden since childhood.

the first thought that crossed my mind – I wanted to be at an energy place and give some of that zentangle language to that „stone-personalities“ that are part of the energetic network of the vitalities of landscape.

I decided to make a day off (one of the great benefits beeing my own chef) and going on a excursion. My destination: Noer, a bay at the baltic sea, which is a very energetic place for me. So I packed my bag with my pens, I found three pens that should work on stones, some tea and blanket. Of course I had a companion, Anny my lovely Retriever.

So here my trip starts on an awsome sunny autmn day!


Mostly I have to ferry across the Northsea and Balticsea canal in order to get somewhere, I really love it! When other people have cars coming from left or right while standing at the crossroads I have hudge containerships crossing. So when we arrived at the sea, we searched for a place with good energy and settled down with all the equipment. Anny and I went on the search for stones to build our cairn. We had quite a lot choice of stones here.


Now I could start tangling the stones at this wonderful place, it was so meditative. The sea gave us an atmospheric sound and the dune grasses where softly bowing in the calm wind. Since it was during the week, we where all by ourselfes with the nature. Anny fell asleep on my leg, while I was tangling.


Almost 3 hours I stayed at this place, tangling, drinking tea, staring at the sea and building my tangle-cairn! I was so pleased with that place and my time spending here.

So here is my Diva Challenge #241 tangle-cairn:


Thank you Diva Challenge #241  and Paula Bramante for that challenge that brought me and Anny such an fantastic and inspiring day!

„Stones and Ceremony“

When I read this challenge on Monday evening just bevor going to bed, I was so excited that I actually couldn’t sleep! Since I was on a very special sculpting-workshop in Denmark with a small group of really lovely and inspiring people, I am so fascinated by stones and there magical power. The workshop happened at a place with a high energy level and we were sculpturing cosmograms. Because it is really difficult for me to describe this concept of earth healing an geomancy  in own words in English here a small extract from Marko Pogačnik’s website:

GEOPUNCTURE CIRCLES is an art-of-life project based upon the experience of lithopuncture and the knowledge of the universal language called “language of the cosmograms”.

Lithopuncture is a method of ecological healing, through which positioning of stones on acupuncture points of the given landscape is combined with the language of cosmograms and the holistic awareness of the Earth as an autonomous and multidimensional microcosm.

Language of cosmograms is an effort to develop such a language that can be perceived not just by humans but also by other beings that do not have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Language of cosmograms is a pictorial language, sometimes a form of body language and always an energy emanating language.

When I read Paula Bramante’s statement:

I love Zentangle because it has nothing to do with verbal language. I also love it, paradoxically, because it has given me another language, a visual language, that allows me to communicate feelings and concepts long hidden since childhood.

the first thought that crossed my mind – I wanted to be at an energy place and give some of that zentangle language to that „stone-personalities“ that are part of the energetic network of the vitalities of landscape.

I decided to make a day off (one of the great benefits beeing my own chef) and going on a excursion. My destination: Noer, a bay at the baltic sea, which is a very energetic place for me. So I packed my bag with my pens, I found three pens that should work on stones, some tea and blanket. Of course I had a companion, Anny my lovely Retriever.

So here my trip starts on an awsome sunny autmn day!


Mostly I have to ferry across the Northsea and Balticsea canal in order to get somewhere, I really love it! When other people have cars coming from left or right while standing at the crossroads I have hudge containerships crossing. So when we arrived at the sea, we searched for a place with good energy and settled down with all the equipment. Anny and I went on the search for stones to build our cairn. We had quite a lot choice of stones here.


Now I could start tangling the stones at this wonderful place, it was so meditative. The sea gave us an atmospheric sound and the dune grasses where softly bowing in the calm wind. Since it was during the week, we where all by ourselfes with the nature. Anny fell asleep on my leg, while I was tangling.


Almost 3 hours I stayed at this place, tangling, drinking tea, staring at the sea and building my tangle-cairn! I was so pleased with that place and my time spending here.

So here is my Diva Challenge #241 tangle-cairn:


Thank you Diva Challenge #241  and Paula Bramante for that challenge that brought me and Anny such an fantastic and inspiring day!