
Zentangle goes triangular!

Brand-new is Zentangle inc.’s 3Z tiles, which they introduced at the ZenAgain Worskhop last year. So today’s prompt is to tangle away on a 3Z tile. Which is pretty good for my, because so far I didn’t try out the 3Z’s. Now I have a reason to tangle my first triangular tiles.  I just started in the middle and then I was in the flow. It is really great to tangle on those 3Z’s.

Black Orange.

The prompt for today is to make a duo-colored Zentangle drawing. I decided to stick with black and added some orange in the background. The whole tile went out a little bit too wild and crowded:) But that’s okay, learning by doing! And I had fun tangeling.


Weekly Challenge #292: „UMT – EAXY by Nadine Roller, CZT

Only a short post today. First of all, we just have to pretend it is still sunday evening, otherwise it is not THIS weeks challenge anymore;) So this weeks challenge # 292 is a Use My Tangle Challenge  like the first Monday of every month.

This time we were ask to use a Tangle which is designed by Nadine Roller, also a CZT from Germany. You can find the step outs for EAXY here.

Actually it is really an easy tangle with only a few steps, but still it really needs a lot of concentration. I love it! It is so beautilful and geometric – a great contrast to organic tangles and patterns. So it is a great tangle to create some drama in your tile. I used an older tile, where I already had dropped some color on, but then didn’t tangle on it. I decided to use this blur of color like a string. So I started with EAXY in the middle and afterwards I framed it with some organic tangles like Flux, Printemps, Ornamato and Twenty-One.

There are always some tangles and pattern I also like use to in my mixed media artworks. Eaxy will definitively one of them. So tanks to Nadine Roller for deconstructing this beautiful pattern and Laura Harms for choosing it for the UMT Challenge!

Have a nice sunny week!

Weekly Challenge #289: „Leafy Goodness“

Now in Northern Germany autumn has arrived, it is getting colder and the trees are wearing their beautiful leaf dresses in all shades of red and yellow colors. It looks fantanstic, I love that time of the year.

So this week’s challenge #289 is a Leaf/Autumn theme. I started to collect some leafs from our trees in the garden. They were all so beautiful and unique in their shapes and colors , that I couldn’t decide wich one to use for my tile. I was so attached by the colors, more than the shapes, that I decided not to choose a leaf for tangling, but tangling a leaf, or two or more;) In the end of the evening I had a nice variety of tangled leafs. I arranged them in my big cooperbowl at the fireplace, where in the summertimes some of my roses are for decoration and now tangles leafs in autumn.

I wish everyone a nice autumn time with lots of sunshine and golden landscapes. Enjoy!!