
47/16 Reticula with Fragment K4 and W6

Weekly Challenge #294: Reticula/Fragment Beginning

This week’s challenge #294 is to draw a reticulum. It is a great challenge for me, because even though I know how to use Reticula and Fragments, I never use it for my Zentangle Art. But Laura Harms challenged us this week to do so. So I did.

I prepared my tiles with an old page of a book that was published in 1955 – From the Earth to the Moon, a 1865 novel by Jule Vernes, some gesso and brusho pigments. Somehow it felt like it fits good to the Recticula. So what are Reticula? Reticulum ( pl. Reticula) is a fine network or netlike structure. A Reticulum is a comprising term for all the zentangle „grids“ not just the square grid like the checkerboard. The possibilities are endless.

In the Zentangle’s Primer Book the fragement notation are shown in rows by numbers and letters.

k4 First I played with the K4 fragment, which I mirrored each one next to the other by rotating my tile. It took me a lot of concentration.

But I was so excited by the outcome and had so much fun that I decided to try another one.

w6So I picked W6 and did the same mirroring.


Here it comes – the second Reticula-Tile.


I am so happy I got started with Recticula and Frangements, so thank you Laura Harms for pushing this in your Diva Challenge, I am looking foreward for more…this is the beginning:)

And a little late my tile on the last weeks challenge #293 „Keeko, you know!“, which I didn’t skip, but I was offline on the weekend, so I could’t post. Offline not because of technical problems, but offline because of being outside all days and having the need to be media-free! But not tangle-free:)


The tile I used was a leftover from this month Travelling Tangles Project „Ooops I spilled my drink“. So this is a big coffee stain paired with a red wine stain and Keeko!

Thank you for stopping by and a nice weekend to everyone.


45/16 it's so eaxy...


Zenuari Day 1: 2017