
43/17 Doutangle

Weekly Challenge #290 „Duotangle: ‚NZeppel vs Flux“

This weeks challenge #290 is a Duotangle using Flux and ‚Nzeppel. Even though it is not always easy to be limited in only two tangles, for me Flux and ‚Nzeppel work out together very well. Since I spend a lot of time in the garden right now, there where stones and plants in my mind while I tangled my Zendala tile, also a very well balanced composition in nature. So as almost every time I had the need to color my tangle. I used some watercolors and watercolor pencils and tried to be a little more detailed in shading, which is not so easy for me, I love to be more abstract and intuitive with colors rather than detailed. But it was very calming after a long and lovely gardening day!

So have a nice sunday and thanks for stopping by.