Weekly Diva Challenge #250
„Bringing it Back to the Old School“
I really love love love this „weeks challenge # 250 „. This is exactly the challenge I appreciate and need an right now.
It is about creating a original Zentangle® on a white 3.5 “square tile, drawing a string and using about 4 or 5 tangles, the black Micron and a Pencil for shading. No eraser, unknown outcome and no predetermined solution. Just relaxing and enjoying the process.
The Diva writes: Sometimes, it stresses me out to think of all the things i should be *TRYING*. […] When i begin a tile for a challenge, now i think: „What size should i use? What colour? What pen? What shape?“ and i often find myself skipping over that ceremony of zentangle that helped me find my calm space.
YES, I know exactly what you mean. You took the words right out of my mouth.
Well, since I have lots and lots of work right now, I was really glad that this challenge was so relaxing. I was really thinking about skipping this weeks challenge. But when I finally knocked off work at 9:30 PM I decided to take part and create a tangle. It was a great idea, I was so relaxed and all tensions removed and I could go to sleep free minded!
So thank you Diva, this challenge came just in the right time:)
Oh and not to forget to mention, I am very pleased with that outcome.
And I really want to thank everybody for the lovely comments on my blog.
I would really like to thank more individually, but right now I am so glad when I have a little time not being on my computer.
Have a nice weekend!