
It’s a String Thing #116

Ready. Steady. Go! This week was the start of challenges for me. It’s a String Thing challenge by Adele Bruno, CZT™ really challenged me. I had to struggle with the String!  Adele selected TanglePatterns String 095 by Sandra Hart and the tangles to use beginning  with the letter „C“.

Chartz and
Cadent both by Maria Thomas, Zentangle® co-founder
Cracked by Lori Howe
Confettus by Angie Shade

But not giving up, I finished my tile one stroke at the time and in the end it looked pretty different from the tiles I tangled so far. I stared at it for a long time not quite sure if I am really pleased with it. But it showed me a different side of my options and abilities and for that reason I am definitly pleased with my outcome.

So thanks a lot for that challenge!


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Weekly Diva Challenge #239


Weekly Diva Challenge #243