
Weekly Diva Challenge #240

Birthday Leaves …
…for Artoo!

I really love autumn! It is one of my favorite season, at least if it is a sunny autumn without everyday rain. The falling leaves remind me how important und good it is just to let go and I see the changableness of things. For me it is a good time for reflection. I enjoy walking through the woods with all that colorful leaves. Well, the thing with those leaves is, I can’t find my dog between all that leaves. Golden dog on a golden background.

The morning when I ambled through our garden I collected three different leaves that inspired me.

One leaf from our wine. The leaves are so colorful and have such a beautiful outline. The symbolism of wine refers on one hand to frugality and on the other hand on nourishing power. This might be seen as the source of achievement-orientated society. But also in opposite of this self-discipline, drinking wine might  lead someone to let oneself go. So maybe the wine plant will show us the happy medium.

Pattern: Auraknot, Pendrills

One of my favorite trees is black elder, we have quite a lot in our garden. In the nordic european culture the elder is vitally important. A German fairy tale describes the elder as an intermediary between heaven, earth and netherworld. The elder protects the light of the humans soul and offers people living around the elder a secure sanctuary. So cutting down an elder tree was temporary forbidden in North-Europe. The elder loves being close to human and for that reason it grows very close to the houses. It has mellow smelling flower in the springtime, where you can make syrup from and in Autumn it has beautiful black berries which can be cooked to healthful juice.

Pattern: Cruffle, Nipa, Hibred, Hurry, Cool ‚Sista, Tipple

A symbol for eternalness is the oak tree. When I drive home I am passing through a beautiful small but long alley of old an young oaks. I really enjoy that part of my way and I am grateful to be able to live that way. The oak ist a powerful tree for this people who want to bring higher ideals into the world. The oak tree supports the strength of purpose and constancy for respectable worth. So here is my oak tile

Pattern: Aquafleur, Rixty (Variation)

So now I stopp writing about this beautiful season an go for a walk in my favourite wood on this sunny day with my dog Anny.


Weekly Diva Challenge #239


Weekly Diva Challenge #241