

Today  it is about glitter and glamour. I used some embossing powder so make the tangle Cyme sparkle. Well, not only my tangle sparkles, but my hands, my face, the dogs…actually everything I touched after adding glitter to my tangle. I love glitter… I am a princess now 😉


well not really. It was not so easy as it sounded – for me.

The challenge for today drawing a string only using straight lines. What kind of tangles is up to us, organic- or gridtangles or everything else.

There are many crooked lines and one straight line. Which is the line of truth? Why the straight line? Truth is always the shortest distance between two points. Sun Myung Moon

I did a very straight string and then cose kind of a mix between straight and border-tangles and also organic-tangles.


Weekly Challenge #289: „Leafy Goodness“

Now in Northern Germany autumn has arrived, it is getting colder and the trees are wearing their beautiful leaf dresses in all shades of red and yellow colors. It looks fantanstic, I love that time of the year.

So this week’s challenge #289 is a Leaf/Autumn theme. I started to collect some leafs from our trees in the garden. They were all so beautiful and unique in their shapes and colors , that I couldn’t decide wich one to use for my tile. I was so attached by the colors, more than the shapes, that I decided not to choose a leaf for tangling, but tangling a leaf, or two or more;) In the end of the evening I had a nice variety of tangled leafs. I arranged them in my big cooperbowl at the fireplace, where in the summertimes some of my roses are for decoration and now tangles leafs in autumn.

I wish everyone a nice autumn time with lots of sunshine and golden landscapes. Enjoy!!