
es wird immer etwas skurieller mit den Zentangle Kunstwerken 😂 schon wieder so ein „schräges“ t(e)ile 🙉
Mal schauen wo das noch so hinführt! 

Mein Zentangle Thema diese Woche und Thema der Folge 2 von TEA TIME TANGLE – die diesen Donnerstag online geht.

Und so probiere ich mich diese Woche in Begrenzungen und Grenzüberschreitungen, stecke mir Rahmen und ignoriere sie hier und da wieder😆

Mal schauen welche Border es in die TEA TIME schafft. 

„Sundoo“ Bijou

sounds a little bit like a new cocktail ;). My dearest friend from Switzerland and her boyfreind have been on holidays at our house. We were tangling in the evenings. Her boyfriend tangled for the first time and he did a great job. One tangle he chose was „Sundoo“ from Jane MacKugler, CZT – which I never tangled before. But it looked so awesome to me, that I had to try this tangle for my Mini-tangle. I really love this tangle, it is fun. So I can recommend to everyone to just try out „Sundoo“.


Weekly Challenge #289: „Leafy Goodness“

Now in Northern Germany autumn has arrived, it is getting colder and the trees are wearing their beautiful leaf dresses in all shades of red and yellow colors. It looks fantanstic, I love that time of the year.

So this week’s challenge #289 is a Leaf/Autumn theme. I started to collect some leafs from our trees in the garden. They were all so beautiful and unique in their shapes and colors , that I couldn’t decide wich one to use for my tile. I was so attached by the colors, more than the shapes, that I decided not to choose a leaf for tangling, but tangling a leaf, or two or more;) In the end of the evening I had a nice variety of tangled leafs. I arranged them in my big cooperbowl at the fireplace, where in the summertimes some of my roses are for decoration and now tangles leafs in autumn.

I wish everyone a nice autumn time with lots of sunshine and golden landscapes. Enjoy!!